We’re Hiring!
We have two different positions open on our EH Media Corps team. See below for more details and application links!
More Information
Media Corps—Special Project (2 positions)
Students will work with faculty on the administration and organization of “COVID exceptionalism,” an unconference focused on the intersections of health, technology, and the humanities. Tasks will include, but are not limited to: facilitating communications with keynote speakers and faculty across both the EHCN / OSUN network and here at Bard Annandale; assistance in the development and design of online exhibitions; drafting and proofreading correspondence and publicity materials; social media and website maintenance; other logistical and scheduling needs. Interest or experience in event planning, social media, archives, photography, data visualization, website maintenance and/or graphic design is encouraged. Work-study eligible students preferred. Please apply here: https://forms.gle/T7DX6rxShENA7Fed9
Media Corps—General (2 positions)
Students act as tutors for various EH cross-listed courses as well as work on a variety of tasks and projects, ranging from administrative to creative work. Interest or experience in at least a few of the following is encouraged: virtual reality, augmented reality, sound, social media, archives, photography, data visualization, website maintenance, video production, photography, public humanities, podcasting, oral histories, data visualization, mapping technologies, and/or graphic design. For Spring 2021 we are particularly searching for students with experience in sound editing, graphic design, and/or augmented reality. Please apply here: https://forms.gle/LEdRQmjNSPzrS5Y76
If you have any questions about these positions or applications, please reach out to Krista Caballero, EH Interim Director (2020-2021) at [email protected].