FH Portrait

Fahmidul Haq

Visiting Professor of Experimental Humanities

Fahmidul Haq, currently a Visiting Professor of Experimental Humanities at Bard College, New York also served as a Visiting Research Professor of Film at the University of Notre Dame, USA, for a duration of two years. In addition, he dedicated nearly two decades to teaching Mass Communication and Journalism at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. His academic interests encompass Film Studies, New Media Culture, and Critical Media Studies. Fahmidul Haq has a substantial body of work, with publications spanning both English and Bengali languages. Notable titles among his books include ‘Identity, Cinema, and Bangladesh Independent Cinema’ (Routledge, 2023) and ‘Cinema of Bangladesh: A Brief History’ (Nokta, 2020). At Bard College, he taught the following courses: ‘Understanding Social Media,’ ‘Social Media and Activism,’ ‘Beyond Bollywood: Mapping South Asian Cinema,’ and ‘Introduction to Media.’ Beyond academia, Fahmidul Haq is recognized as a human rights defender, digital content creator, and public intellectual. His online activism revolves around the cultural and political landscape of Bangladesh, making him a dynamic and influential figure in both academic and public spheres.